Road Safety Initiatives
Steps Taken By Ministry:
The Ministry of Road Transportation and Highways (M.O.R.T.H.) is taking a number of steps to remedy the situation. Road safety Cell of the Department of Road Transport and Highways deals with the "National Road Safety Plan". This unit prepares and implements Annual Road Safety Plan". It also compiles road accident data and interacts with the states on the issues of road safety.
Important Schemes administered
by Road Safety cell are:
- Publicity Programs
- Grants-in-aid to Voluntary Organizations for organizing
road safety programs
- National Highway Accident Relief Service Scheme
- Refresher Training to Heavy Vehicle Drivers in
Unorganized Sector
- Setting up of Model Driving Training school
- Within the M.O.R.T.H.s massive road sector development
program, the govt. is working closely with agencies: World Bank,
Asian Development Bank to improve road safety.
Steps Taken:
A number have steps have been taken to spread road safety culture
across the country.
- The most noticeable project under taken by the
Indian Government has been the "National
Highway Development Program", "Rural Roads Project"
under the leadership of Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
- "NGOs" have come up in many cities to
deal with this problem at their levels.
- "Police Departments" hold road safety
weeks, painting competitions.
- "Road Safety Cell" of the ministry has
also been working closely to strengthen institutions and organizations.
They have come up with an awards scheme for awarding organizations/individuals
making outstanding contribution in the fields.
Involved in Road Safety
Global Road Safety Partnership (G.R.S.P.)
G.R.S.P. brings together governments and governmental agencies,
the private sector and civil society organizations to address road
safety issues in low and middle income countries. G.R.S.P. is a
hosted program of the International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies (I.F.R.C.), based in Geneva.
Traditionally, road safety has been
seen as an unfortunate consequence of a transport system and as
a problem for the transport sector. However, the direct costs of
the growing number of crashes falls mostly on the health sector,
businesses and families. Today it is widely acknowledged that many
sectors have a role to play in road safety, especially in the prevention
of crashes, deaths and injuries. G.R.S.P. brings together these sectors
at the global, national and sometimes local government level. G.R.S.P.
provides advice on good practice and facilitates projects in a growing
number of countries.
The R.S.P. is involved in the educational aspect of Road Safety.
The R.S.P. Scheme commenced way back in 1951, and was flagged off
from the New Bharda High School at Fort, Mumbai. This scheme is
now being implemented in 511 school and extends to 68,548 R.S.P.
students. The students are taught about road safety aspects and
trained in Drill and Parade. They are also taught leadership qualities
and discipline. The R.S.P. scheme inculcates road discipline in
school-going children, who in turn educate their families and fellow
Warden Scheme
The Traffic Warden Scheme was started in Mumbai way back in 1988.
This scheme invites people from all walks of life to enroll as Traffic
Wardens. The Traffic Wardens assist the Traffic Police in controlling
pedestrian movement at important junctions, thus aiding the smooth
flow of Traffic. Their contribution during major festivals in controlling
the mammoth traffic in Mumbai is noteworthy.